Ukrainian EnglishInstitutions of the Academy

Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry | LibNAS - Library Portal of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Type of institution: Institutes [129]
Institution name:
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry
Foundation year: 1983 at the Academy from : 1983

Subordinate institutions:
Dzhankoi & Syvash pilot plant
Kalush research and pilot plant
Special design and technology bureau with experimental production
Special design and technological bureau with experimental production

Research profiles:
  SCOPUS: 60068511   WoS: 5dee4ca6-59a8-4817-8051-cd8f50859d67-716698ef/relevance/1 

  VNLU: NSOU0000056   GRID: grid.464622.0   ROR: 01298dc11   NASU: 0000335 
2008 – Kartel Mykola Tymofiiovych

1983–2006 Chuiko Oleksii Oleksiiovych
2006–2008 Horbyk Petro Petrovych

Scientific journals:

 SURFACE (Поверхня)
 CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні)

Institute of Information Technologies of VNLU

+38 (044) 525-36-24
Ukraine, 03039, Kyiv, Holosiivskyi Ave, 3, room 209