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Person name

Ukrainian EnglishResearchers of the AcademyMaksymchuk Valentyn Yukhymovych | LibNAS - Library Portal of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Maksymchuk Valentyn Yukhymovych
(1950 - )
Corresponding Memberof NAS of Ukraine - Department of Geosciences
Research profiles:
 GS: vQkzmx0AAAAJ  WoS: AAD-8011-2020  SCOPUS: 55623144400 

  VNLU: 0236353   ORCID: 0000-0003-3954-6521   : BUN0011924 

In the NAS of Ukraine: 1973 –

Institutions of the Academy
1973–1991 Ya. S. Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
1991 – Carpathian branch. Institute of Geophysics by S. I. Subbotin name

Scientific journals (editorial board):

 GEODYNAMICS (Geodynamics)
 GEOLOGY & GEOCHEMISTRY OF COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS (Геологія і геохімія горючих копалин)
 GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Геофизический журнал)


Institute of Information Technologies of VNLU

+38 (044) 525-36-24
Ukraine, 03039, Kyiv, Holosiivskyi Ave, 3, room 209